
Do you ever worry that…

…your knowledge or skills need sharpening when it comes to rapid tranquillisation? If so you have arrived on the best site to answer your questions and boost your confidence.

You will find here a wide range of articles, research posts, learning resources, practical tools and experience to help you stay up to date with the latest developments in this field and maintain your ongoing professional development.

From early in 2018, a membership area will also be available for you that offers you more bespoke help and support where you can answer your questions with the help of other practitioners and experts by experience.

This is not the website for you if…

…you are hoping to engage in a debate about the rights or wrongs of this restrictive practice over any other. It is a very important debate which we are engaged in elsewhere, but while the practice continues in clinical settings this site is here to improve practitioners existing knowledge and skills.

We are always happy to hear from website visitors, however, especially experts by experience who can offer professionals great insight about their practice.

If you have any questions or comments please email us

 email us hello-at-rapidtranq.com